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Customs Tariff
Decisions on the reduction of import tariffs in 2019
The decision on conditions and manner of reducing customs tariffs for certain goods, that is for exempting certain goods from the payment of customs tariffs in 2019 has been published in the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“ no. 104 from 28.12.2018.
The decision prescribes the conditions and manner of reducing customs tariffs for certain goods, that is for exempting certain goods from the payment of customs tariffs in 2019.
Main amendments of the Decision for 2019 in relation to the effective one from 2018 are as follows:
The decision prescribes the conditions and manner of reducing customs tariffs for certain goods, that is for exempting certain goods from the payment of customs tariffs in 2019.
Main amendments of the Decision for 2019 in relation to the effective one from 2018 are as follows:
- Deleting four tariff codes for which there had been no import realizations during the year: 5205 14 00 00, 5205 15 10 00, 5205 15 90 00 and 5205 21 00 00,
- Introducing five new tariff codes for the needs of domestic industry, more specifically: 2009 11 99 00, ex 3923 21 00 00, 5402 62 00 00, 7607 11 19 00 and 8536 70 00 10
The decision shall be applicable as of January 1st 2019.
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The decision on the amendments of the Decision on determining agricultural and food products for which a special tariff is paid when importing and the sum of the special tariff has been published in the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“ no. 104 from 28.12.2018.
The primary Decision, effective as of January 1st, 2017, prescribes the agricultural and food products for which special tariffs are paid (levy) as well as its sum. The Decision has already been amended three times since the beginning of its application.
The most recent changes have been made in Articles 3 and 8 of the Decision, which prescribe:
The primary Decision, effective as of January 1st, 2017, prescribes the agricultural and food products for which special tariffs are paid (levy) as well as its sum. The Decision has already been amended three times since the beginning of its application.
The most recent changes have been made in Articles 3 and 8 of the Decision, which prescribe:
- In Article 3:
- Extension of application of measures which determine that no special tariffs will be charged until December 31st, 2019 for importing the following goods originating from the EU:
- Goods from the tariff code 0103 91 10 00 and
- Goods from the tariff code 0402 10 19 00, 0402 21 18 00 and 0405 10 19 00, when used for the confectionery industry;
- Extension of application of measures which determine that no special tariffs will be charged until July 31st, 2019, for importing goods from tariff codes 0402 10 19 00, 0402 21 18 00 and 0405 10 19 00 originating from the EU, when used for ice cream production.
- A new measure effective until December 31st, 2019, which determines that no special tariffs will be charged for importing goods from tariff codes 0402 10 19 00 and 0402 21 18 00, originating from the EU, when used for producing finished products suitable for babies and small children from tariff codes no. 1901 and 2104.
- Extension of application of measures which determine that no special tariffs will be charged until December 31st, 2019 for importing the following goods originating from the EU:
- Article 8 paragraph 2 of the Decision prescribes that, when it comes to the goods from Point 3 of this decision, intended for the needs of the confectionery industry, ice cream production, that is, the production of finished products suitable for babies and small children from tariff codes no. 1901 and 2104, the importer shall submit to the customs authorities a declaration that the goods are imported for the need of confectionery industry, ice cream production, that is, the production of finished products suitable for babies and small children from tariff codes no. 1901 and 2140, as well as the proof of origin.
The decision shall be effective as of January 1st, 2019.
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The decision on the amendments of the Decision on conditions for reducing customs tariffs for certain goods has been published in the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“ no. 104 from 28.12.2018.
The primary Decision prescribes the conditions for reducing the import tariffs on importing livestock from the tariff code 0102 29 49 00 of the Customs tariff, live swines from the tariff code 0103 91 10 00 of the Customs tariff and corn from the tariff code 1005 90 00 00 of the Customs tariff, originating from the EU member states.
The amendments of the Decision prescribe as follows:
- Amendment of point 1 with new goods – butter from the tariff code 0405 10 19 00 of the Customs tariff – ex in the packaging of net mass up to 20 kg or more, but not over 25 kg, for the confectionery industry and ice cream production”
- Amendments of point 2 which determine:
- The extension of the deadline to the end of 2019 for pigs (to 5%) and heifers (to 0%) for breeding, originating from the EU;
- The abolishment of payment for butter originating from the EU, in packaging of net mass up of 20 kg but not over 25 kg, for the confectionery industry and ice cream production until the end of 2019.
- A new point which determines that, when it comes to goods from point 1 of this decision intended for the confectionery industry and ice cream production, apart from the proof of origin, the importer is t0 submit a declaration that the goods are imported for the needs of the confectionery industry and ice cream production.