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Free trade Agreements

Free trade Agreements
Preferential tariff rates (lower than those prescribed by the Customs Tariff) apply to goods originating in countries with which the Republic of Serbia concluded free trade agreements. Appropriate evidence on origin must follow these goods. In this moment, on imports to the Republic of Serbia apply the following free trade agreements:
  • Free Trade Agreement with the Russian Federation,
  • Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Belarus,
  • Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Kazakhstan,
  • Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA),
  • Interim Trade Agreement with the EU,
  • Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Turkey,
  • Agreement with the EFTA countries.
Free Trade Agreement with the Russian Federation
Agreement between the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the Russian Federation is in force since 28 of August 2000 (“Official Journal of the FRY – International Agreements” No 1/01).
The Agreement was twice amended by the adoption of:
  • Protocol on exceptions from regime of free trade accompanying the  Agreement between the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and  the Government of the Russian Federation  on free trade between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and  the Russian Federation of  3 April 2009 (“Official Gazette of the RS – International agreements” No.105/09) and
  • Protocol on exceptions from the regime of free trade accompanying the Agreement between the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the Russian Federation on free trade between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Russian Federation of 22 July 2011 (“Official Gazette of the RS – International agreements” No.8/11).
The Annex 2 contains the list of a small number of goods excluded from regime of free trade.
Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Belarus
Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Belarus is in force since 31 March 2009. The Law on Ratification of this agreement was adopted on 11 December 2009 (“Official Gazette of the RS – International agreements” No 105/09).
The Agreement was amended on 15 Jun 2011 by adoption of the Protocol between the government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Serbia amending the Free Trade Agreement. The Protocol contains changes in the Annex A and Annex B to the Agreement (“Official Gazette of the RS – International agreements” No. 8/11).
Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Kazakhstan  
Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Kazakhstan was concluded on 7 October 2010, is provisionally applied since the 1 January 2011.
This Agreement excludes from the regime of free trade a very small number of products. Specificity of the Agreement is that the Lists of exemptions from the regime of free trade were coordinated with the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.
Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)
Agreement on Amendments of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreement (“Official Gazette of the RS – International agreements”, No 88/07). The CEFTA is applied since 27 October 2007.
The Agreement was amended in accordance with the Protocol Accompanying the Agreement on Amendments and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreement (“Official Gazette of the RS – International agreements", No. 8/11). A further reduction of customs tariff rates was achieved for agricultural products. Preferential tariff rates on imports from Moldova and Albania were abolished and conditions for preferential imports from Croatia were changed.
CEFTA achieved full liberalization for industrial products. Regarding agricultural products, certain limitations still exist for imports originating in Croatia. Imports of agricultural products from all other CEFTA countries have been liberalized.
Interim agreement on trade and trade related matters with the EU
Interim agreement on trade and trade related matters with the EU (“Official Gazette of the RS – International agreements” No. 83/08, the Interim Agreement), signed in 2008, applies since 30 January 2009. 
Pursuant to the Interim agreement, the tariff rates that are applying in 2018 were agreed for the sixt year of liberalization.
Relating industrial products, in 2018, we have full liberalisation for all industrial goods.
Relating agricultural products, the dynamic is different for every Annex/Protocol. On agricultural products from Annex III, which are subject to reduction of customs duties at certain dynamics, apply the percentages relating to the basic rate of duty prescribed for the last year of liberalization.
On fish and fishery products from Annex V, the customs duties for 2013 and the following years are abolished, with only two exceptions. On processed agricultural products from Protocol 1, apply lower tariff rates from column relating to 2013 and all the following years.
Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Turkey
Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Turkey (“Official Gazette of the RS – International agreements” No. 105/09) is in effect since 1 September 2010. In 2018, its application is in accordance with the dynamic prescribed for the last year of liberalization. 
This Agreement provides for the same preferential treatment for industrial products as the Interim Trade Agreement with the EU. Excepted are certain products laid down in the list of exceptions. The Agreement is asymmetric in favor of the Serbian part. Turkish custom duties for imports of industrial products from Serbia were abolished as of the date of entering into force of the Agreement. In 2018, we have full liberalisation for all industrial goods on inport into Serbia too..

Relating agricultural products the Agreement does not provide for gradual yearly reduction of tariff rates. Agricultural products originating in Turkey are imported in the Republic of Serbia according to the conditions from Annex 1 of the Protocol on agricultural product accompanying the FTA with Turkey.

It means that a limited number of agricultural products are subject to tariff quota, and that all other agricultural products not listed in this Annex are liable to tariffs and other customs duties in a full amount.
Agreement with the EFTA states
Free Trade Agreement with the EFTA states (Republic of Iceland, Principality of Liechtenstein, Kingdom of Norway, and Switzerland Confederation applies for the Republic of Serbia, the Switzerland Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein since 1 October 2010. Relating to the Kingdom of Norway, it is applicable since 1 June 2011 and for the Republic of Iceland since 1 October 2011.
Relating industrial products, in 2018, we have full liberalisation for all industrial goods.
Relating agricultural products, all agreements with individual EFTA states provide for equal treatment of processed agricultural products (Protocol A), fish and fishery products (Annex II). Basic agricultural products were the subject of bilateral negotiations between Serbia and each of the EFTA states. In 2o18, preferential customs rates for agricultural products originating in EFTA states did not changed in relation to 2017.
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