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26. july 2018. Foreign trade operations Decision on import and export regime
23. july 2018. Customs Tariff Customs duties
29. june 2018. Customs Customs duties on import of equipment
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Foreign trade operations

Decision on import and export regime

on the Decision on the amendment of the Decision on determination of the goods for which import, export and transit require acquisition of specific documents
(“The Official Gazette of RS”, no. 056 on 18 July 2018)

A decision on the amendment to the Decision on determination of the goods for which import, export and transit require acquisition of specific documents (hereinafter: Decision on import and export regime) enters into force on 26 July 2018 (on the eighth day from the date of its pubblication in “The Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia“). As the Decision on import and export regime entered into force, certain provisions of the Decision on determination of the goods for which import, export and transit require acquisition of specific documents are no longer valid (“The Official Gazette of RS”, no. 92/2017 and 29/2018) in segments related to:
  1. Weapons, military equipment and dual-use goods whose import or export is license based
  2. Annex 1 – Goods whose import or export is license based.
Main reasons for adoption of the Decision on import and export regime are to harmonize this decision with provisions related to import and export regime of the controlled goods (weapons and military equipment), and to supplement the list of goods whose import and export require a license of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication (hereinafter: the Ministry).

Amendments and supplements
  • Weapons, military equipment and dual-use goods whose import or export is license based
In accordance with the Law on the Export and Import of Arms and Military Equipment (Official Gazette of the Rep. of Serbia, No. 107/14), a new decision on the establishment of the National control list of weapons and military equipment has been issued (Official Gazette of the Rep. of Serbia, No. 42/18) which led to the modification of the item 9 of the decision on determining which goods require acquisition of specific documents (Official Gazette of the Rep. of Serbia, No 92/17 and 29/18) by the way of replacing Official Gazette of the Rep. of Serbia No 61/17 with the No 42/18 which has the new list published.
  • Annex 1 – Goods whose import or export is license based
In accordance with the Foreign Trade Law (Official Gazette of the Rep. of Serbia No. 36/09, 36/11 - other law, 88/11 and 89/15 - other law) there's been an amendment to the list of goods whose import or export requires license issued by the Ministry, the list being given in the Annex 1 of the Decision on import and export regime.

The amendment was executed by adding following tariff item numbers / paragraphs and Ex – paragraphs, which are:
  • 8205 - Hand tools (including glaziers' diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included; blowlamps; vices, clamps and the like, other than accessories for and parts of machine-tools or water-jet cutting machines; anvils; portable forges; hand- or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks:
8205 59 – Other
8205 59 80 00 - - - other
Ex – hand tools used for the making of ammunition grains (tools for making hunting and sporting ammunition)
Ex – crucible tongs for casting mold for tools for the making of hunting and sporting ammunition. 
Ex – limiter for casting and removing surplus lead from mold for tools for hunting and sporting ammunition and
  • 8480 Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds for metal (other than ingot moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics:
8480 49 00 00 --Other
Ex – casting mold for tools used for the making of hunting and sporting ammunition.

Snežana Milić
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